Map controls

Map controls

data: 23 stycznia, 2014
czas czytania: 2 min
autor: Mikołaj Milej

We were once asked by the client to study the market of possible map and navigation controls (Sat nav) that could be used in one of the applications. The results are presented in the attached table. The research was done for the Windows Embedded 7 and Windows CE 5.0 platforms, however, the controls working with other operational systems were also detected.

The research was narrowed down to three suppliers: Great Maps, NaviGenie and Sygic.

The GMap ( control was successfully activated, however, it does not support 3D navigation view, therefore it was rejected.

The second control that we considered and which is still being used in the application is a NaviGenie one (
It has numerous configuration possibilities (rich set of API). Also, the support centre of NaviGenie is of high quality: the team responds quickly to any problem or question posed.

The solution proposed by Sygic ( initially seemed very interesting but the company doesn’t sell the control itself (that is, the DLL library which can be added to a project and deliver a map view) but the whole solution, in form of the EXE application with API components. Unfortunately, despite all the efforts, we didn’t manage to activate the application on our device. The solution is the most developed one in graphical terms and in our subjective opinions it is the best looking one.

The table below contains a summary of the solutions subjected to the research. The detailed table is available in the attachment.

Map controls

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